administer to

[ədˈministə tu:]
  • 释义
  • 给予;有助于;使(某人)宣誓;

  • 双语例句
  • 1、

    Whatever we do should administer to the needs of the many, not to those of the few.

    我们做任何事情都应该为了多数人的需要, 而不是为了少数人的需要.

  • 2、

    Whatever we do should administer to the needs of the many.


  • 3、

    Singing and dancing administer to people's health.


  • 4、

    First, I am very appreciated for forum administer to promise me as webmaster here.

    首先, 对论坛管理员让我做此版块版主,表示感激.
